Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Andrew and His Elbow: A Tale of Derring-Do

This is the story of how Andrew solved world hunger and who shot JFK. Well maybe not.

Saturday Andrew was out riding bikes with his brother and friends. They approached an intersection in our sleepy neighborhood and Andrew went one way while his friend Jackson went the other way. Andrew turned his head to see why Jackson would do something so crazy as to go the wrong way and when he decided to look at where HE himself was going it was too late to avoid the looming white SUV sitting so innocently in his path. His right handlebar hit the tail light obliterating it. Science did the rest. I don't have the official formula but it goes something like this: Bike stopping plus Andrew's forward momentum (otherwise known as inertia) + ground = supracondylar fracture (a supracondylar fracture is a fracture of the distal humerus just above the epicondyles--just so everyone is clear). Jackson immediately rushed back to Andrew's side and asked "did you just get shot?". (As Erin put it - we are in Arizona after all).

After hours sitting in the ER (see attached picture), a priesthood blessing, surgery at 7:30 AM Sunday, three pins, a cast, and some home made chocolate chip cookies from the hometeacher (who Andrew had just complained to last week about how he never brings cookies), he was pronounced fit enough to play an hour on the Wii.

So far he seems to be doing well (they serve him food on a tray in bed and they have Cable!). He should be released sometime today (after school is over of course) and appears to be doing very well.

I am also fine thank you.

Love to all, Rebecca.

PS 1: do NOT look at the picture of a supracondylar fracture on wikipedia.

PS 2: the origin of the word derring-do is fascinating. http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/derring-do.html

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